View from the restaurant's window

July 8, 2010, 12:33 pm by: lukke

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Through the window you can see part of the local market place with many small shops around it

The magic of small cities in United Kingdom

The city center is not far and so much of it lies on the opposite side of the island. The streets are mostly narrow and lined with old wooden houses that once belonged to the city.

These houses are covered in graffiti and are easy to mistake for drug-trafficking areas. The main avenue runs from south to northwest of the city center, with several other streets that lead up to it.

As you enter the market place you see a large wooden sign that reads "Fishery" in English and "Mosaics" in Tagalog, and the other signs in Chinese.

You are greeted with a wooden door that has metal locks, but the door is locked. Instead of letting you enter, the door leads you to the side of the building where all the fish are, most of which are not fish and don't have names on them, but just the fish that have been caught.

A big wooden crate with a wooden handle swings out and you lift a small fish from the cage and eat it and keep it for later. At the other end of the building is a large open courtyard of bamboo that stretches from one side towards the other.

A number of people come here for lunch. If you are eating in one of those tables next to the counter, that must be the person at the table, because that person is sitting on a bamboo table that is about four meters from the counter.

He usually eats from a small bamboo tray, because there are only a few pieces of tuna available, but otherwise he is not eating a large dinner.

As you enter a large room on the opposite side of the market place, you can see a large table with a large wooden box with some meat on it and a large metal container behind the table.

On the back of the container are some pieces of food, but no meat or other fish. In the next small room you find a large hall with great view to the city Rugby in Midlands.

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~John WAYNE stacy said at March 23, 2019, 4:42 am :

id love to buy some goods in the market please ;)

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