How to Care for Tulips (flowers) in spring time?

May 3, 2014, 11:01 am by: natalie


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How to Care for Tulips (flowers) in spring time?
Tulips bloom in the spring by
several days. Unfortunately you can not
extend their flowering period.
Here are some tips
that will help you in their cultivation. Position
Tulips love the sun, so
should be planted or stored in
pots positions clear and
solar. If we keep tulips
at home then you should keep in mind
to keep them in the public
colder. Too high
temperature significantly reduces the time
The best soil for tulips is the one with
neutral pH. The soil should be
well loosened, drained
best sandy or sandy with
the addition of clay. During flowering
watering tulips at a time
fertilizer for flowers.
Tulips kept at home
pots or boxes on
balcony should be watered about 2 times
a week, or more often if the earth
is too dry. The soil should be
still moist, but do not
lead to the shedding. Tulips in the
garden should be watered during
dry weeks.
Digging bulbs
Tulips will bloom better if
dig onions in July, purify
them, we drain, and again in autumn
are planted into the ground. Onions by
This period should be stored in
cool and dry place. It is
Importantly, because the moisture may
that onions cause us to rot.
Tulip bulbs are planted in the ground
autumn (preferably in September or
October), but it can be done
up to December, if the land is not
frozen to the rock. Bulbs
Tulips are planted at a depth of
10-12 cm, depending on their
size while maintaining spacing around
10-15 cm in the soil mixed with
fertilizer (Azofoska). After planting
bulbs should be periodically
watered to earth was all the time
slightly moist. Before the advent of
frost cover with straw onions
or bark.

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~Lg7Kj9B7N said at June 28, 2016, 3:58 am :

I think you hit a busylele there fellas!

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